"Because of our routines we forget that life is an ongoing adventure." -Maya Angelou.

Monday, January 24, 2011


~ I love my little baby Manda. ~
We have a connection to each other we have with nobody else.
We have been through everything together, both big and small.
We're like best friends but we have the same blood.
I respect her even though she's younger. She's a smart girl.
I like Amanda's writing. Amanda has the best heart.
Her natural habitat is laying on her bed listening to music on
her ipad and drawing or doing make-up (or playing with
candle wax...).
Amanda is unique and original. I love her mind and I love
her spirit. She quite often has her head in the clouds, but
she has the best imagination.
Amanda is my Boujie Bear and she's my best friend.

Amanda Michelle Knotek.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Time to Blog?

I've decided to start blogging. I don't know why...
When I have something interesting to say I'll
put it on here. Or maybe not... We'll see.